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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Fresh Living Water"

This Sunday's Gospel John 4:5-42 is about a "Woman Of The Well" or the "Samaritan Woman".

The story tells us about a Samaritan woman who lived a sinful life, went to draw water from the well at the heat of the day where no one usually go there at that time, because she was rejected by other women of her sinful way of life.

But Jesus most loving and merciful Lord, breaking the Jewish law, first by speaking to a woman, second she was a Samaritan woman, third He's about to drink water from an unclean cup, still He reaches out to her and offers her a divine mercy of fresh living water from the well of Grace which washes away our sins and cleanses our souls.

The woman went to draw water, instead, she got cleansed by the fresh living water of eternal life, only to show us that Jesus' mission here on earth is to save the lost souls and that He came to all mankind alike not only for the Jews.

The story teaches us too that Jesus doesn't judges people for their appearance and their way of life, He look deep down into the heart of individuals, like He did to the Samaritan woman.

The stories goes on that after sharing their views together about their ways of worship, the woman recognize Jesus that He is the Savior of the world and Jesus confirm that to her by telling her that He is "He".

Our human nature is quickly to judge others because of stereotypes, customs or prejudices where sweet loving Jesus treats people as individuals, accepting them with love, forgiveness and compassion drawing them close to Him and offering them a new life, life eternal.

So how about you, how do you see others? and what do you do to these individuals to draw them close to Jesus heart?

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